PSA Missions Guide

Hi guys!

If you want to know how to pass all PSA (Penguin Secret Agency) Missions, so here the guide for all eleven missions!

1. Case of the missing puffles:

1. Talk to Aunt Arctic, who will tell you about her missing purple and green puffles.
2. Use the map or Spyphone to move to the Ice Rink.
3. At the Ice Rink, scroll to the right, pick up the photos on the ice and put them in your inventory.
4. Return to Aunt Arctic's igloo using the map. Show her the photos of her puffles. She will now trust you.
5. Use your map, and go to the Pet Shop.
6. Scroll to the left and click the note pinned to the roof of the puffle house.
7. The note is in secret agent code, so you’ll need to click Code in the bottom-right corner to see the code translator. Translate the note using the secret agent code. The note says "G has "X" pairs of socks". The "X" is a number that changes each mission.
8. Go to the Sport Shop and talk with G.
9. When he asks you if he can get you something, click “Yes, please!”
10. Then click “Do you have any SPECIAL items?”
11. Tell Gary how many socks he owns from the note you decoded.
12. Then click “May I see some spy gadgets?” and he will show you some spy equipment.
13. Drag the life preserver shooter and grappling hook into your inventory.
14. Use the map to go to the Iceberg.
15. Use the life preserver shooter to launch life preservers to help the stranded penguins. Check the wind speed and direction to ensure your shots are accurate.
16. Go to the Ski Hill.
17. Talk to the crying penguin who will tell you about his broken telescope.
18. Open your spy phone from your inventory.
19. Click the red-blinking light at the top of the spy phone. A few tools will fold out, click the Wrench.
20. Move the wrench to the telescope to fix it.
21. Look through the telescope and scroll to the left to see the Aunt Arctic’s green puffle flying around the tallest mountain.
22. Use the map and click the Tallest Mountain.
26. Take out the grappling hook from your inventory. Scroll up to the top and throw it to the highest part of the Tallest Mountain.
27. You’ll climb to the top of the mountain and you’ll find her green and purple puffle taking pictures!
28. Return to Aunt Arctic's igloo to end the mission.

2. G's Secret Mission:

1. Talk with Gary the Gadget Guy. He asks you to solve a riddle.
2. Use your spy phone, or the map in the top-left corner, to go to the Ski Hill.
3. Click the signpost on the mountain. The signs all have secret-agent code on them.
4. Decode the sign on the right, for the Bunny Hill. It says: mogul
5. Go back to the sports shop and see G.
6. Type mogul, and click “This is the word!” G now tells you your mission is to test-drive his new prototype sled.
7. Put the sled in your inventory.
8. Go to the Ski Hill.
9. Take the sled out of your inventory and click the sign “TEST Run.”
10. Click “Yes” if you would like to test G’s sled.
11. Steer the sled with your mouse. Don’t worry if you hit things and can’t steer very well. You are supposed to crash! You wake up in the wilderness behind the mountain.
12. Drag the rope into your inventory.
13. Move to the right and put the Survival Guide in your inventory. You can read the Survival Guide if you want to see how to complete the mission. Click the Survival Guide in the top-left corner to read it.
14. Move forward to the O berry bush.
15. Put three O berries in your inventory. You can put all three O berries in the same inventory slot.
16. Move a bit to the right of the O berry bush, to the tree with a pot in its branches.
17. Shake the tree trunk three times. The pot falls out.
18. Put the pot in your inventory.
19. Move back to the left a bit till you see the stump.
20. Move forward to the stump. You see five puffles.
21. Click one of the puffles. The green, purple, pink, and blue puffles run away.
22. From your inventory, give an O berry to the black puffle. He is now your friend.
23. Move to the left till you see the log.
24. Move to the log.
25. Put the ski in the bush on the left in your inventory.
26. Now get back to the O berry bush.
27. When you are by the O berry bush, go left till you see the stream.
28. Move to the stream.
29. At the stream, go left.
30. In your inventory, put the rope on the ski.
31. Now put take an O berry from your inventory and put it on your new fishing pole.
32. Take the pole out of your inventory and click the stream. You caught a fish!
33. Put the fishing pole back in your inventory.
34. Put the fish in your inventory.
35. Take the pot out of your inventory.
36. Click the pot on the stream. The pot scoops up some water.
37. Put the pot full of water back in your inventory.
38. Go to the right till you see the cave. To the right is a log.
39. Put the log in your inventory.
40. Move to the cave.
41. Click the bushes and then walk into the cave.
42. In the cave, move to the right.
43. Click a stone to make a fire ring.
44. Take the log from your inventory and put it in the fire ring.
45. Take the Survival Guide from your inventory and put it on the log. The guide is torn up and put around the log.
46. Take the last O berry from your inventory and give it to the puffle. The puffle lights the fire.
47. Take the fish from your inventory and put it on the fire.
48. Click the fish to eat it.
49. Take the pot of water from your inventory and put it on the fire.
50. Click the pot of water to drink it. You fall asleep and then wake up.
51. Move to the left to leave the cave. Outside, an agent flies in with a jet pack and talks to you.
52. Tell him what happened.
53. Return to G's office to finish the mission.

 3. Case of the Missing Coins:

1. Talk to the new secret agent. The agent tells you what happened. He then closes the vault door.
2. Go in the door to the Gift Shop manager’s office.
3. Look around the room till you see the couch.
4. Click under the couch.
5. Put the paper clip and BOOT computer disk in your inventory.
6. Look around for the computer.
7. Click the computer.
8. Turn the computer on.
9. Take the computer disk from your inventory, and put it in the computer.
10. On the screen, click My Files.
11. Click Combination_Number.
12. Write down the letters and the numbers next to the letters. The numbers change each time you do the mission, so you need to write them down. (If you want, you can also play the Ice_Bricks game on the computer!)
13. Go back downstairs.
14. Click the vault door.
15. Click the vault handle to enter the combination numbers you wrote down. The number next to N goes on top, the number next to E goes on the right, the number next to S goes on the bottom, and the number next to W goes on the left.
16. Click the red CONFIRM button. The vault door opens.
17. Go in the vault.
18. Talk to the new secret agent again. Your spy phone rings.
19. Click your spy phone in your inventory. G tells you to meet him in HQ.
20. Click the Visit HQ button on your spy phone to go to see G.
21. Talk to G, who tells you about what he’s found.
22. Click the screen G is pointing at to see the video.
23. After you watch the video, talk to G again.
24. Say “OK. Do you have any suggestions?” G tells you to look on the roof.
25. Click “Ok thanks G. Is there anything else I need to know?”
26. He tells you to take the key marked rooftop from a drawer.
27. Click the drawer.
28. Put the key in the top-left corner in your inventory. The key says rooftop in secret-agent code. (The other keys say lounge, ski shop, office, boiler room, and coffee, but you don’t need to use any of them in the mission.)
29. Go back to the Gift Shop, and go up to the manager’s office again.
30. Take the key from your inventory, and open the door to the roof.
31. Put the key back in your inventory, and go out to the roof. A giant magnet!
32. Take your spy phone from your inventory, and click the flashing red button near the top.
33. Click the wrench that comes out.
34. Click the wrench on the front of the Powa Box. It unbolts the front of the Powa Box.
35. Put the wrench back in spy phone.
36. Take the paper clip from your inventory, and put it in the Powa Box. It shorts out the Powa Box and deactivates the magnet.
37. Put the tuft of white fur stuck in the vent on the left in your inventory.
38. Go downstairs to the vault. The coins have fallen to the ground. You can go inside the vault and click the coins to talk with the new agent again.
39. Go back to HQ, and talk with G.
40. When G asks if you found anything else, tell him you found white fibers.
41. From your inventory, give G the white fur. G then asks you if you are interested in another small mission.
42. Say “Sure, what is it you need me to do?” He tells you to go to the Boiler Room and reset the fuses to turn back on the power.
43. Don’t leave HQ yet!
44. Move to the right till you see the map of Club Penguin.
45 Put the flashlight on the table in your inventory.
46. Use your spy phone or the map in the top-left corner to teleport to Town.
47. Talk to the brown penguin.
48. Go in the Night Club. It is dark.
49. Click the flashlight in your inventory to turn it on. If you are a member, you can click your night-vision goggles in your inventory instead.
50. Go to the right till you see the speaker with the secret entrance to the Boiler Room.
51. Click the speaker to go to the Boiler Room.
52. Look around till you see the Fuse Box.
53. Click the Fuse Box.
54. If you are using your goggles, turn them off. The flashlight turns off automatically.
55. Click the fuses till they all turn green. This can take a while. Be patient, and keep clicking. I’ve sometimes got it in 5 tries, and sometimes it seems like it took 5 minutes. Don’t give up! (If you absolutely can’t turn all the fuses green, you can go back to PSA HQ and ask G to do it for you. But you won’t get the thank you card at the end.)
56. After you turn on the lights, go back up to the Dance Club and talk with the brown penguin again.
57. Now go back to HQ and talk to G.
58. Be sure to get your medal of excellence and thank you card.

 4. Avalanche Rescue

1. Talk to G and ask him to unlock the Gadget Room for you, you can’t get in otherwise.
2. Go into the Gadget Room and turn to the right.
3. Pick up the Life Preserver Shooter from the top shelf in the white bookshelf.
4. Using your map head over to the Ski Village.
5. Turn towards the ski lift and you will see a small tuft of white fur on the ground below the lift, pick it up.
6. Ignore the crying penguin for now and head into the Ski Lodge.
7. Pick up the fishing rod next to the door with the Gone Fishing sign.
8. In your inventory, combine the life preserver shooter and the fishing rod by clicking one of them and then clicking the other.
9. Next go back out into the Ski Village and enter the Sport Shop.
10. Look to the right and click on the belt worn by the green penguin mannequin, add this to your inventory.
11. Admire the green penguin’s puffle boxers… Wait! What!?… err next step…
12. Using your map/phone go to the Beach and enter the Lighthouse.
13. Inside the Lighthouse look left and then pick up the rope in the red boat.
14. Now combine the rope and the Life Preserver Shoot(with a fishing rod attached) by clicking on one and then the other.
15. Your ultimate Penguin Rescue Contraption is complete, time to go save some penguins.
16. From within the Lighthouse go upstairs on to the Beacon.
17. Open your Spy Phone from your inventory and click the flashing red LED light, click the spanner (the middle one) when the tools appear.
18. Click on the telescope (not the nut holding it in place) to unscrew it. You can now place it in your inventory.
19. Go back to the Ski Village and enter the sports shop, then go into Gary’s Room (not the Gadget Room but the room under the sign that says Gary’s Room)
20. Turn to the right and click on the telescope in your inventory and put it on the tripod near a window.
21. Click the telescope.
22. Use the arrows to see the paths that lead to the stranded penguins and memorize the right way to go. This changes for each player so you will need to figure it out yourself.
23. Go to the Ski Hill and turn to the left and go down Ridge Run.
24. This is where you go down the paths you memorized!
25. If you do happen to fall down you will find yourself at the bottom of the Ski lift. Since you’re there you might as well fix the Ski Lift for the crying penguin. Click on the belt in your inventory and then click the Ski Lift to fix it.
26. If you don’t fall off and reach the cliff then click the Penguin Rescuer in your inventory and then on the hole in the fence.
27. First using the preserver tube break the branch above the penguin on the far right.
28. Then pick up the penguin standing on the small tree in the middle.
29. Now using the penguin you just picked up, pick up the penguin on the right.
30. Next click above the tree to put a penguin back on the tree.
31. The tree is now bent with the penguin standing on top of it, so now with the penguin still attached, you can grab the penguin under the tree.
32. With two penguins holding on pick up the penguin you left on the tree . 33. Put all three penguins down on the ledge with the rock.
34. The three penguins will push the rock which will fall on the sled that the last penguin is stuck in, launching him onto a higher ledge that you can reach.
35. Pick up the three penguins on the ledge where the rock was initially.
36. Using them pick up the last penguin that bounced up.
37. After you rescue all four penguins using the Ski Lift go down to the Ski Village.
38. If you haven’t already talked to the crying penguin and then fix the Ski Lift with the belt in your inventory.
39. Using the Ski Lift go back up to the Mountain.
40. Talk to G and give him the white fur.
41. Take the reward medal & the Handy Penguin Award. Read the letter which will self-destruct!

5. Secret of the Fur:

1. Talk to G and tell him you are ready to find out what the white fur is.
2. Fix the furensic analyzer 3000 machine that he asks you to fix with the comb on your spy phone.
3. Now G gives you the white fur, put it into the machine and it will tell you (the second time you do it) that the fur has hot chocolate, pizza sauce and jet pack fuel.
4. Go to the Pizza Parlor and get one of the hot sauces and one of the chocolates. Take the pizza too.
5. Take the pizza to the penguin that’s fishing behind the Ski Lodge.
6. Now go to the Coffee Shop and talk to the penguin, he will show you a drawing of the monster he saw.
7. Now you have to fix the machine, to do that put the cup under the part where it comes out then pour the chocolate from the Pizza Parlor into the machine then use the wrench on your spy phone and twist the milk tube. Put the Hot Chocolate into your inventory.
8. Now go back to the PSA HQ and grab the AC 1000 from the secret room.
9. Go to the Beacon and use the AC 1000 on the jet pack fuel floating in the air. Now use the scissors in your spy phone and cut it down.
10. Now go downstairs and into the lighthouse, grab the rope and the net.
11. Now go to the PSA Headquarters and mix the gas, hot sauce, and hot chocolate into the Goggle dispenser.
12. Go to the Ski Village and put the goggles from the goggle dispenser on. Follow the footprints to the outside of the Ski Lodge.
13. Grab the candle that you see when you walk in, then head into the fishing area.
14. Put the net and the rope together and tie it to the tree in the fishing place then put the candle on it.
15. A crab will come and get trapped. Take the crab and the fur that’s on the ground.
16. Give G the crab and put the fur in the machine again and it will tell you it comes from a polar bear

6. Question for a Crab:

1. Talk to G. Once the crab escapes, follow it up to the Ski Hill.
2. You will fall down the mountain. Follow the crab to the cave.
3. You can't enter the cave, so you must find the bag of Puffle O’s. They are by the log and the tree.
4. Cut down the bag of Puffle O’s and take them to the black puffle by the log. He will follow you.
5. Bring the black puffle to the cave door and throw the Puffle O into the pet door. The puffle will then open the door.
6. When you get inside, Herbert will trap you and tell you the story of his adventures.
7. Once Herbert leaves, place a Puffle O on the red lever.
8. Once you do that, throw another Puffle O at the top of the ramp that tilted.
9. Finally, throw a Puffle O on the platform that is raised. The gate will open! Try to leave the cave. Snow will fall over it, blocking your exit.
10. To escape, collect the hot sauce, which is on the table, the rope which is on the boards, the anchor and the diagram of his machine which is on his wall.
11. In your inventory, combine the Puffle O and hot sauce and place it over the snow at the door. The black puffle will eat it and burn through the snow.
12. Navigate back to the mountain.
13. Put the rope and the pickax together in your inventory and throw it at the mountain to get to the top.
14. Head to the Ski Lodge and through the Ice Fishing door. You will see Herbert.
15. Go and get a box of seaweed pizza from the Pizza Parlor.
16. Head back to the Ski Lodge and go through the Ice Fishing door. Herbert won’t notice you, so get out the box of pizza and click on him.
17. While Herbert is occupied with the pizza, you can click the lever on his machine below the crab to make it move in the other direction.

7. Clockwork Repairs

1. Start by clicking on Gary and listening to what he says.
2. Click the screen that shows the Snow Forts.
3. You will see Herbert and his crab breaking apart the clock. Now click out of that screen and listen to Gary again.
4. Go over to the three boxes on top of each other, you need a code to get in. (See the lock by clicking on the box.)
5. Go back to Gary and tell him you need the electromagnet 3000. Go back to the box and put in the code. The password is key spelled in the PSA code. Put the electromagnet in your inventory.
6. Go get the inner tube from the Gadget Room.
7. Go to the Iceberg and use the magnet to get the spring in the water.
8. Now go to the Beach and get the snow bucket. Fill it up with snow from the Snow Forts.
9. Go to the Town and talk to the penguin with a propeller cap. Take the picture of the gear from the penguin.
10. Go to the Dock and talk to the two penguins. Then play the snowball game and hit the target correctly. Give them the tube as a replacement.
11. Go to the Pizza Parlor and receive the music sheet by the piano.
12. Now enter the stage and put the music notes on the piano. Play the correct notes by putting the music notes on the stand.
13. Exit the piano stand. Give the puffle the picture of the gear and bucket of snow. He will make a sculpture.
14. Now take the gear to the Gadget Room. Put the snow crank on the test chamber and pull the lever. Use the snow button to freeze it. Do the same thing with the spring this time use the fire button.
15. Go to the Snow Forts. Talk to the orange penguin and put the clock back together again.

8. Mysterious Tremors

1. Talk to G. There will be a small tremor. Get the propeller hat from the PSA Headquarters.
2. Go to the Dock. Talk to Herbert and take the lantern. Klutzy will snip the piece of paper - you must collect the pieces.
3. Go to the Beach and pick up the fishing net then visit the Gadget Room and get the hammer from the wall.
4. Go to the Town and talk to the confused penguins. Visit the Coffee Shop and talk to the penguin with coffee. Click on the cookies to put them in the jar.
5. Take a cookie from the coffee shop employee. Give it to the green puffle with the propeller hat in the town. He will collect one piece of paper for you.
6. Continue to follow the piece of paper, clicking it every time it lands. It will end up in the Town. Talk to the penguin with the paper in his book. Ask to see his newspaper.
7. Go to the Pizza Parlor and buy the correct pizza.
8. Return to the penguin in line and give him the pizza for his newspaper. Combine the small piece of paper with the other piece in your inventory.
9. Go back to Gary and talk to him. Ask for his, “Super helium”.
10. Go to the Lighthouse and get the balloons and a barrel from the penguins.
11. Then head to the Sport Shop and pick up the pins beside the tent.
12. Go to the tunnel at the Dock and follow the directions of both sheets of paper. You will need the night vision goggles to find your way.
13. Use your Spy Phone to unscrew the pipe from the bottom of the Clothes Shop.
14. Now put your balloon on the helium to air it up. Go to the Town and put the balloon on the top of the Clothes Shop. Place the net under the shop with the pegs and use the hammer to secure it.
15. Go back through the tunnel through to the Boiler Room and talk to Herbert. On your way through, use the wrench from your Spy Phone to remove the cog from Herbert's machine. This can be returned to Gary at the end of the mission to replace in the Clock Tower.
16. Once he leaves, complete the puzzle to connect the boiler pipes.

9. Operation: Spy & Seek

  1. Talk to G — put the yellow duck, the tracking devices, and the blueprints to your inventory.
  2. Go to the Ski Lodge — collect the Find Four pieces from the Ski Lodge and the Lodge Attic.
  3. Pick up the piece of string on the rug — then give all the Find Four pieces to the penguins.
  4. Waddle to the Forest — pick up all the sticks. Combine all the items you have (sticks, blueprints, and string) to make a kite. Combine the kite to one of the devices. Then, go to the Ski Hill and tie the device with the kite on the pole.
  5. Go to the Plaza — talk to the two penguins. The puffle will blow a bubble with gum and the gum will get stuck on the two penguins. Click on it and take it — then put it in the yellow duck.
  6. Go to the Dock and pull up the brown handle for the penguin by the boat. Ask him for the air pump, then pump up the yellow duck. Put a tracking device on the duck and put it in the water by the Iceberg.
  7. Go to the Mine Shack and talk to Rory. Then click and drag the boards to make the beam fall.
  8. Click the cart twice and weld the crack. Then put a tracking device in the cart and click on it again to make it go inside the Mine.
  9. Gary will call you on your Spy Phone, go to the HQ and take the Binoculars 3000.
  10. Go to the Ski Lodge, then go through the Ice Fishing door — look through the binoculars and turn right.
  11. Waddle back to the PSA HQ and talk to G. Go back to Herbert’s camp, and combine your Spy Phone with the Binoculars. Turn left and place the Binoculars in the third tree. Go back to the HQ — where you can watch Herbert on the monitor. Herbert discovers the hidden device. 

10. Waddle Squad

  1. Pick up the solar panel box which is near Rookie. Talk to G, then Herbert will appear on all the PSA HQ Screens. Rookie then tells Herbert about the Golden Puffle in the Night Club. The Director will come on another monitor and explain what is going on.
  2. Go to the Beach and you will see Jet Pack Guy – he tells you that he has run out of fuel. Go to the Lighthouse and click the Cream Soda barrel. Waddle back to the Beach, then talk to Jet Pack Guy and give him the barrel of Cream Soda. He tells you that you need to sort out the cream soda for him, follow this:
    1. Pour the 8 beaker in the 5 beaker
    2. Pour the 5 beaker in the 3 beaker
    3. Pour the 3 beaker in the 8 beaker
    4. Pour the 5 beaker in the 3 beaker
    5. Pour the 8 beaker in the 5 beaker
    6. Pour the 5 beaker in the 3 beaker
    7. Pour the 3 beaker in the 8 beaker
  3. After that, go to the Dock and talk to the green penguin next to the boat. Ask him for some rope.
  4. Go to the Gift Shop. Talk to the green penguin behind the counter – take the table, box, and pile of clothes and put them outside if you wish.
  5. Talk to Rookie inside the Gift Shop – take the solar panel and put it by the wires of the magnet. Connect them together.
  6. Waddle to the Night Club and you will see the cage trap. Put the rope on the machine with the lever – then click it. The machine will not work – use your wrench from your Spy Phone to open the hatch. Then fix the gears.
  7. Go to the Town. Jet Pack Guy will call you telling that Herbert is spotted at the Dock.
  8. Go to the Dock – you will see Klutzy with a "fake" Herbert. He runs away.
  9. Rookie will call you saying that Herbert is at the Night Club – go there. You will see Herbert grabbing the Golden Puffle.
  10. Whilst he is laughing, pull the lever so the cage will fall on him. He will lift the catch up and the magnet comes through the wall.
  11. Turn all the Night Club lights facing towards the Solar Panel – this will make the cage get stuck to the magnet. (You can also do this by taking a jet pack from Jet Pack Guy and attaching it to the overturned cage.)
  12. Herbert is trapped and G shows up. Rookie, without thinking, gives Herbert his Spy Phone, which Herbert uses to escape. Rookie is then excused to the PSA HQ

11. The Veggie Villain

  1. Speak to Gary. He will ask you what you think the type of seeds that he has are. Ask him if they are corn seeds.
  2. Go to the Gift Shop and talk to Rookie. Pick up the corn on the floor. Waddle to the Gift Shop Office, and talk to Jet Pack Guy. Pick up another piece of corn on the floor.
  3. You will get a call on your Spy Phone, answer the call and get back to HQ and talk to Gary.
  4. Next, go to the Ski Village. You will see a broadcast of Herbert. You need to go stop this broadcast quickly.
  5. Go to the Lighthouse and pick up the DVD which is under the piano. Clean it with the cleaner on the left. Put it in your inventory.
  6. Turn to the right and pick up the metal can. Put it in your inventory. Then, take it to the Beach and fill it up with water.
  7. Go to the Gadget Room, put the can of water in the Test Chamber. Pull the red lever then press the ice button, pull the red lever again and put the ice in your inventory.
  8. Next, go to the Beacon and give the ice to the penguin. Talk to him again and he should give you lens.
  9. Afterwards, go to the Ski Village, talk to the brown penguin and give him the lens.
  10. Add the disc into the DVD player. Then, use your Spy Phone wrench to open the strange box on the right.
  11. Solve the puzzle by cracking the code, it will then tell you a location. Go to the Mine Shack.
  12. Waddle into the Corn Forest and follow the popcorn which is on the floor. You should see a paper when you reach the end of the trail. After that, take the path which has a piece of the paper. Add it to your inventory. Repeat this process until you have found all 4 pieces.
  13. After you have picked up the 4th piece of paper, also pick up the plank of wood. Once you have put together the 4 pieces of paper, follow the paths that have items related to what is on the list.
  14. You should eventually reach a river. Use the plank of wood to cross the river.
  15. You should eventually reach a "dead-end". At this point, use one pile of corn seeds to lower the ladder.
  16. When you reach the top of the cliff, unplug Herbert's computer. He will then use your Spy Phone to teleport you and a popcorn bomb back to the PSA HQ.
  17. When you get back to the HQ, go to your right and click the orange book. A wheel should come out.
  18. Click on the wheel and solve the puzzle. It may take some time.
  19. Dot the Disguise Gal will come out of the EPF Command Room and teleport you safely into the Ski Village. Meanwhile, the Sport Shop will explode with popcorn.
  20. Collect your awards at the end.
I hope this guide helped you.




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